One door closes, invariably, another one opens
Posted on November 26, 2014
One door closes, and, invariably, another one opens
For some reason, I’m a control freak. I have tried, and tried, to direct my Destiny, control my Fate, and plan the hell out of my Plans.
How did that work out for you, Mister Moggy…?
Um. Well. Kind of… different from what I thought. Uh-huh.
I’m a slow learner. Real slow. It has taken me for-frickin’-EVER to realize, yep, it’s true…
One door closes, and invariably… another one opens.
By now, you’d think I would have absorbed Life Lessons One-oh-One, but I still…
Occasionally panic. Reflex control freak input.
I have to take that deep breath, deal with what’s come along, and accept that some things I can fix, and others I can’t.
But I can look back, and see “co-incidence” coming into my Life, and changing my Path. For the better.
Often enough, now, squinting myopically back, I think there was something I needed to learn. That’s how things happened the way they did. Does that mean I don’t get mad when I think how some things turned out? Well, I do get mad. Occasionally. But it doesn’t last very long. To put it all in philosophical terms, carefully constructed, and thoughtfully expressed:
Shit happens. Move on.
Here’s a deeply meaningful poster, which sums up a lot of… shit.
And, yes, I blog about this too.

go back to list of possible Stepping Stones Across?
Last edited by Francis Meyrick on November 28, 2014, 10:45 am
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